Introducing DailyRise XFT & DVEX Technology

DailyRise Finance
3 min readDec 4, 2021


DailyRise Finance

In October 2015, it took the financial world in awe when the first NFT project, Etheria, was launched in UK under the Etherium blockchain ecosystem, precisely three months after the launch of the Etherium blockchain.

While NFT was a powerful innovation that caught the attention of crypto enthusiasts across the globe, the majority of investors failed to urgently drift with the tide at inception.

With XFT, there’s a reoccurring scenario where only smart investors intended to take early advantage of this soon to become booming technology. Apart from the technological privileges it offers, a lot of financial opportunities and hidden prosperity are attached to this remarkable innovation.

While NFT intended to simplify the non-fungibility of digital items with blockchain, it however comes with its associated shortcomings.


DailyRise XFT or X-Fluid Token is a proposed innovation by the blockchain department of Dailyrise Finance. XFTs are “Explorational Fluidic Token” which serves as a base technology for ICL, creates digital footprints for intellectual properties, stores them on a distributed public ledger, and authenticate transfer of ownership without unchaining value or use case.


1. Immutable Digital Footprint: XFT technology preserves ownership right on digital creation by forging an irrevocable digital signature.

2. Project Inheritance: XFT as a technology equally represents an “eXperimental Fluidic Token”. This enables it to support the transfer of patent right on virtual experiments and scientific research carried out on the DVEX network.

3. Community Support: By minting royalty for virtual explorations carried out on the DVEX network, the Dailyrise XFT project aims at rewarding community members for their massive support.


The idea behind this project is to embrace innovation at its peak by validating transfer of ownership right on cutting-edge technology, liquidizing patent-holding, preserving value, and mint royalty for every exploration carried out on the DVEX network.

Dailyrise XFT enjoyed community adoption because of the following reasons:

1. Dynamically Allocated Value & Utility: With XFT technology, values are dynamically synchronized with digital creation through trading activities conducted on the DVEX blockchain. Beyond hype or speculation, this will continually drive DailyRise market price to a new headway.

2. Community Goverened Smart Contract: Decentralized projects can be inherited by interested community members of XFT and DVEX-Chain.

3. DVEX Blockchain and Network: Launching of a new ICL, DVEX-Chain, and DVEX-Network for developing Smart Contracts, and unique API that will simplify blockchain integration for commercial use.

The DVEX ecosystem of the Dailyrise team is dedicated to conveying blockchain adoption from crypto enthusiasts to the general public domain. XFT steep limelight closes that bridge by uniting the people with a deconcentrated digital ecosystem. With DVEX, we are creating a decentralized platform that supports the virtual exploration of ideas.

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